Abraxos Technical Trainee Program (ATTP)

An Interview with Marco Rofner – Abraxos Technical Trainee Program’s first trainee: about the taken chances, the challenges of being the first one, and the opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

  1. Tell us a bit about yourself – what is your background and why did you choose the Abraxos Technical Trainee Program?

My name is Marco Rofner and I am a professional boatbuilder who by education is a Materials and Process Engineer. The two areas combine well what I enjoy – the physical and the mental challenge.

Why did I choose the Abraxos Technical Trainee Program (ATTP)? Because it gives me the chance to challenge myself and grow while being part of one of the leading companies in the superabrasives market – Meister Abrasives. The ATTP also gives me the chance to get to know and better understand how each part of the company functions, to expand my knowledge and to work independently on projects. I found that the program offers the right tool to facilitate my smooth transition from working in a small business to being part of a bigger industry.

  1. Tell us more about the program (areas, responsibilities, locations).

The ATTP is the first trainee program for Meister Abrasives and as the name suggests, it mainly focuses on the production and technical aspects of the brand but also covers its corporate side. The program lasts for 24 months and during the program, the trainee rotates among several departments, such as Production, Sales and OEM. A significant amount of time is dedicated to working in the different production areas in order to get an in-depth knowledge of each step of the process. What I found particularly interesting is that during those 24 months, one gets to live and work in Switzerland, where the headquarter of Meister Abrasives is; in Rhode Island, USA where the US office and manufacturing are; and in Germany, where Meister’s sister company Alfons Schmeier is based. So at the end, one acquires not only knowledge and skills but also gains significant international experience. It is all designed to fit the overarching goal of the ATTP: to develop one’s knowledge, skills and experience needed to cover all technical focus areas and to match the personal passions and career aspirations with the brand’s needs.

Due to my background, I mostly cover the areas of process analysis, development and optimization, as well as any aspects regarding adhesion advising. But it’s not all about technical skills. The program is designed in such a way that good soft skills are also required – clear communication among all function areas and establishing rapport with colleagues is at times challenging but an essential. I was also given a business project to manage from beginning until the end and have it presented in front of top management at the end of the program.

  1. At what stage of the program are you now?

I have almost completed my first year of the program and after roughly 10 months I have now a deeper understanding of the correlations between the different business and function areas, I am independently working on my projects, and I am preparing for my time abroad – in Germany and in the US.

  1. What was the most rewarding/interesting experience for you?

I am a social person so for me the most rewarding is the appreciation that I get for my work – giving me the freedom to work independently and trusting that I will manage projects well. Also, seeing some of my suggestions being implemented brings sense to what I’m working on. Something that I find quite interesting is that I often see the connection between the content of my studies and the practice.

  1. What was the most challenging part for you?

Being confronted with a completely new field of work for me was one of the biggest challenges and it was a great occasion to realize that what Socrates had said was true: “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”. In my previous job I used to do everything by myself, to fully depend on myself and take responsibility for my work. Here at Meister Abrasives, however, this isn’t possible as due to the large-scale projects, teamwork is required. So this was another challenge for me – to shift from a one-man working style to a collaborative and involving approach where individuals trust one other. And, of course, being the first trainee was somewhat challenging due to the expectations associated with the program. Now I’m proud that I had the honor of being the first one to go through the Abraxos Technical Trainee Program.

  1. Did the program help you find out something about yourself that you didn’t know before?

I used to work on my own so I always thought that I cannot delegate a task to anyone else. But the nature of the work at Meister made me collaborate closely with people from different departments which is something that, despite challenging at first, I found that I quite like. Now I really enjoy the daily interaction with my colleagues and interesting conversations that we have and I can’t imagine not working in a team anymore. In the last few months, I also learned to better communicate, convey the meaning of what I want to say and to back my opinion by facts when leading discussions.

The importance of certain innovations, such as introducing coated brake discs or using Silicon Carbide as a material, were totally new to me but the more I dug into the topics, the more involved I became. What Meister does is not just mere grinding, it goes far beyond that. It shapes the creation of end applications that have a far bigger importance to the well-being of society than I had ever imagined.

  1. How did the program further develop your skills, knowledge, and you as a person?

Since I started the trainee program, I strongly improved my technical skills and knowledge about the grinding industry, as well as interest in future technologies. My working style has shifted from individualistic to collaborative and that makes me very happy. I feel that I am more organized now and have a better self-management. I learned to listen and to watch carefully in order to fully understand a process. People often feel uncomfortable asking questions as they take it as a lack of knowledge. But the truth is, that it is very important to ask questions when needed and I am glad that I learned to do that. Being part of the ATTP is more like rediscovering the curious and unencumbered child in me. These changes positively reflect in my everyday life, which makes me very happy.

  1. Describe the program in three words.

Social, technical, unique.

  1. What is your general impression of the ATTP?

The Abraxos Technical Trainee Program is a dynamic program that offers a quick deep dive into the world of superabrasives. It requires a significant degree of self-management skills and dedication to stay up to speed with future technologies. In few words – it is perfectly designed to equip prospects with the necessary skills to thrive in a fast-paced environment in an ever-evolving industry.

  1. What in your opinion are the strengths of the program?

Definitely the steep learning curve, the work on real and relevant projects, and the rotation between departments. Another strength of the program is that it aims to match the interests of the trainee with the needs of the company to create a symbiose. The safe environment where ideas and opinions are welcomed, and the rather flat hierarchy is something that is not a given but natural to Meister.

  1. Who is the program suitable for?

The ATTP is the perfect opportunity for individuals who are interested in future technologies and enjoy thinking outside of the box. It is for those who can work independently and interdisciplinary instead of focusing on one topic.

In terms of education and experience, people from the mechanical engineering field, chemistry, technology, and material science would be particularly suitable for the ATTP. Even recent graduates would benefit of the program as it would help them find out what they are truly passionate about and in which area they should continue their professional development. Take someone like me – joining such a program is a great opportunity to change or expand one’s career path.

  1. What important qualities should one possess in order to benefit from the program the most and be a perfect fit for it?

It is extremely important for a candidate to have the right mix between being able to work independently and being open to collaborating with others. Taking initiative, questioning the status quo, being curious, having the ability to filter out what is relevant and what not, and going to the core of an issue or topic are undoubtedly important qualities. The way the world functions nowadays prompts us to be flexible, to know how to act in unexpected situations and how to deal with change so this is also a quality that is highly valued in the ATTP.

  1. What advice would you give to prospect applicants?

Be curious, be open, be courageous, be agile. Both Meister Abrasives and Alfons Schmeier are companies with more than 70 years of expertise so keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to share your ideas and opinion.

  1. What are your most important take aways of the program?

I’m not yet at the end of the program but what I’ve learned so far is that whether it is professionally or personally, one should have good rhetorical skills: to foster effective communication, express an opinion, and motivate others. What one says is not always the same as what the other party perceives. I also learned that we cannot do everything on our own, so we need to trust others to take responsibility and do their part. Because it is only as a team that we can achieve outstanding results.

  1. Where do you want to go from here onwards?

This is not a straightforward answer as I still haven’t completed the trainee program but I see myself staying in process optimization as I find it very interesting to take an existing process and make it better. I’m also looking forward to moving to Germany and the US and getting to know the teams there.

  1. If you knew what you know now, would you do the trainees program again?

Absolutely, I would do it all over again without any hesitation.

  1. Would you recommend the program?

Yes, 100%.