A Fuel Injection customer recently approached Meister to improve the dressing operation for a centerless plunge-grinding application. The parts were injection needles and the customer was using a green SiC (Silicon Carbide) wheel for the job. They were using a hand-set diamond dressing disk with defined corner radii along with the CNC control of the machine to create the desired profile in the wheel. The problem was they needed to reduce cycle time on the operation without sacrificing surface finish.
Meister designed a hybrid-bonded cDD (CVD-tipped) diamond dresser for the project. Unlike the handset disk already in use, the Meister cDD technology employs a random distribution of diamond crystals in a porous metal-ceramic hybrid matrix, along with high-quality CVD inserts for edge reinforcement. The resulting dresser not only excelled at producing the required profile, but it also sharpened the wheel at the same time, thus allowing it to grind more efficiently and with a shorter cycle time and no sacrifice to surface finish. The customer was very pleased and is now using the cDD dresser in production.