CASE STUDY: Aviation HVOF Grind

Cycle Time cut in half with Vit-Diamond and stationary hDD Dressing Technology

An Aerospace customer was looking to implement vitrified diamond technology for OD grinding of a large aerospace component that was coated with a tungsten-carbide HVOF spray.  The machine was equipped with a stationary dresser block.  Meister engineers supplied a vitrified diamond grinding wheel and a stationary porous hybrid-bonded hDD dressing tool.  The resulting process was 50% faster than the old way of grinding the parts.

  • Wheel: Form 1A1 450×13.5×203.2, Spec D32-64-125-V-3704
  • Dresser: Form DT 10/M1 X=10, Spec D42-427-175-H-307242


About Pat Roberts

Sales Manager of Meister Abrasives USA