HUGE…but also minute

New 3D Abrasive Technology3D REVISE

The biggest grinding technology breakthrough introduced at IMTS 2016 could just be the revolutionary bonding matrix microstructures developed by Meister Abrasives. 3D Technology makes it possible to secure the tiniest grains of CBN within the most open, self-sharpening bonding matrices ever created.

Who needs it?  Manufacturers who are stymied by hard materials that must be ground to micro-precision form, finish, and ever-tightening geometrical tolerances with low grinding forces that are essential to minimize deflection.

3D technology is not for everyone. It’s simply one of a number of tailored solutions that result in a customized abrasive product that is a perfect fit for your grinding application.

Visit Meister Abrasives USA at Booth #7351, IMTS 2016, September 12-17, McCormick Place, Chicago, Il.

About Bruce Northrup

Vice President and General Manager of Meister Abrasives USA