New HPL Wheel Technology

Delivers Faster Grinding Without Burning

Meister Abrasives’ New HPL (High Performance Lubrication) Grinding Wheels rely on premium grade CBN crystals fixed within a durable, porous, intrinsically lubricated bonding matrix for faster grinding of difficult materials without sacrificing quality due to wheel loading and/or part burning.

HPL wheels contain a lubricant that is intrinsic to the bonding matrix chemistry and is released uniformly as the wheel breaks down. Wheels manufactured with this technology minimize friction from bond//workpiece interactions, minimize heat generation, and deter the onset of metal loading into the bond structure.

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HPL technology also makes it possible to implement wheel characteristics that are not economically feasible with standard vitrified bondings. The superior grit retention and lubricating properties of the bond make it possible to utilize high concentrations of premium grade CBN crystals that in a standard bonding matrix would generate too much pressure and heat. This allows Meister to manufacture wheels with superior cutting performance and wear resistance to others on the market.

The unique properties of these intrinsically lubricated wheels address a wide range of problems including: burning of parts, wheel loading, excessive wheel wear due to heat related issues, and quality issues due to temperature sensitive materials. They are ideal for CBN grinding applications requiring maximum wheel sharpness and lubricity.

HPL (High Performance Lubrication) CBN grinding wheels are available for both internal and external grinding with mesh sizes ranging from 60 to 1200.

If you have an application that could benefit from our new HPL (High Performance Lubrication) Grinding Wheels, contact a Meister Applications Specialist, HERE.


About Ross Hudson

Ross Hudson is a 30-year advertising and marketing veteran with particular experience in the business to business arena.